Radiation Dosimetry and their Effects on Humans on the UNITECH Campus
Dose rate, Radium equivalent, Hazard indices, ELCRAbstract
Radiation effects on human are generally high in earthquake-prone areas like Papua New Guinea. In this context, radiation effects are studied in UNITECH campus by analyzing soil samples collected from different locations within the campus and analyzed in a gamma ray spectrometer. The calculated values of indoor and outdoor Annual Effective Dose were 229.91+48 and 57.48+12 Sv y-1 and the measured indoor and outdoor effective dose rates were found to be 520+66 and 130+16 Sv y-1 respectively which are less than the permissible limit of 1000 Sv y-1. The average value of Radium equivalent is observed to be 101.43+20.97 Bqkg-1 which is less than the permissible value of 370 Bqkg-1. The internal and external Hazard Indices calculated are 0.028+0.06 and 0.36+0.9 which are within the safe limit of 1. The Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) was found to be 1.5+0.3X10-4 whereas the global average is 1.45X10-4